Strategic Planning

Succeeding in business is often a process that can be complicated by many forces both internal and external. Corporate culture, retention and recruitment of outstanding employees, ever-changing regional, national and global economies and, of course, existing or threatened competition. Any one of these can keep the key executives in any organization up at night.


One outcome of these market forces is the development, and need for, a comprehensive Strategic Plan.  Over decades of building, running and liquidating companies, Patten Consulting Group (PCG) has consistently advised and practiced the importance of regular and timely strategic planning.

PCG begins by facilitating the strategic planning process to ensure that you have a trusted partner supporting your company’s goal of Strategic Planning.  In addition, PCG will work with senior leadership to ensure the plan stays on track and relevant.  

Every strategic plan, no matter the size of the company,  must first begin with a VISION.  PCG will act as facilitator of the process that will  bring all stakeholders to a place of mutual agreement and consensus.

In addition, PCG will facilitate the establishment of the Core Values of the organization, as well as clearly defined outcomes that ensure proper accountability within the Strategic Plan.

Finally, PGC will work with the team to establish a reasonable timeframe for deliverables and action items in the Plan.  These deliverables are best supported by Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that are delineated during the planning process.  This ensure that the periodic analysis of performance of the Plan are in alignment as it relates to the performance indicators.

 Strategic Planning can be like many initiatives that are undertaken with the best intentions.   The plans get produced but few ever make it through implementation.  With PCG’s guidance, experience and counsel, you will find us to be active and empathetic listeners who enhance, ensure and execute a successful strategic planning process.